Mar Vista Voice works in collaboration and solidarity with the following organizations doing important work across LA.
fairfax mutual aid
Fairfax Mutual Aid (FxMA) is a network of care formed to address our unhoused communities’ immediate needs across the Beverly Grove and Fairfax neighborhoods of Los Angeles. FxMA recognizes constituents living on the streets deserve the exact same resources, care and support as housed people.
streets for all
Streets for All is building a transportation revolution in Los Angeles. The organization is working to decarbonize the city by expanding dedicated bus lanes, protected bicycle lanes, public green space, and pedestrian infrastructure, and prioritizing active and public transit over single occupancy vehicles. This is a complete reversal of the last several decades of harmful car-centric transportation policy.
westside for everyone
Westside For Everyone is a community that believes meaningful access to quality housing will create a better Los Angeles for everyone. Join their regular meeting every other Thursday on Zoom. Click here to register for a meeting and click here for WFE's newsletter.
los angeles for all
Los Angeles for All believes that the city of Los Angeles is ripe for building a new, cooperative ecosystem. An emergent landscape of economic and political alternatives is thriving alongside a robust movement for housing justice and tenant’s rights. However, the city’s geography is vast, our neighborhoods segregated, with some historical suspicions lingering between social movement actors across geography (south and east) and race (Black and Latinx). The project was launched in 2022 with the understanding that in order for this vibrant community to withstand the multiple crises — ecological, political, and economic — we must come together to build democratic and participatory alternatives.
los angeles for democracy vouchers
Los Angeles for Democracy Vouchers is organizing for an open and equitable campaign finance system, where elections are fair and no one is excluded. Today, non-Angelenos, special interests, and wealthy white neighborhoods dominate local campaign spending, leaving the majority of people in Los Angeles out. We’re fighting for democracy vouchers, to create a system where every Angeleno can give to local candidates so that every Angeleno has a say in local politics.
la tenants union
The LA Tenants Union is a diverse, tenant-led movement fighting for the human right to housing for all. We demand safe, affordable housing and universal rent control. We organize against landlord harassment, mass evictions, and displacement. We mobilize for the repeal of the Ellis Act and Costa-Hawkins Act. Our mission is to strengthen tenants’ political power through education, advocacy, and direct action.